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Gum is an important minor forest produce.Gums are exuded by plants in response to injuries so as to seal the wound.Gums have commercial as well as medicinal uses. Many trees in the forest produce gum like Dhaora, Khair, Babul, Kullu, Palas, Salai etc. Kullu, Dhaora, Khair, Babul, Salai gums were notified in Madhya Pradesh state as "specified forest produce" under the M.P Van Upaj ( Vyapar Viniyaman )Act, 1969 and only the State Government or an agent appointed by the State Government could collect these gums. Dhaora, Babul and Khair gums are grouped together as Class-II gums to distinguish them from Kullu and Salai gums. These gums have been taken out of the list of specified produce in June 2003.

Federation had carried out trade of the specified gums as an agent of the State Government, through Primary Forest Produce Cooperative Societies till 2002-03.

Details of the Class-II gums ( Dhaora, Khair and Babul ) collection during the last 5 collection seasons are given in the table below:

Details Of Collection Of Class-II Gums
(Quality in Quintals)
(Amount in Lakh rupees)
Collection Year

Collection Rate per Qntl.

Quantity Collected Quantity Disposed off Sale Price
1998-99 2200 - 3000 721.39 721.39 20.27
1999-2000 2200 - 4500 2338.61 1992.61 52.60
2000-01 2200 - 4500 447.99 443.51 20.80
2001-02 2200 - 6000 391.68 391.68 15.18
2002-03 2000 - 3000 210.37 210.37 7.42
# Variable collection rates for wet & dry seasons

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